Alone or lonely?

a couple of months ago i would have said that it doesn't matter how great your life is, if you are livnging it on your own. at this point i couldn't disagree more. perhaps i am telling myself lies just to make it feel less hopeless to live a single life. but every day i become more certain that i really believe in my own propaganda. i am starting to get comfortable with me, myself and i. but i won't lie, i will be more than happy the day that i fall madly in love with my prince charming. we just haven't found each other yet. but right now i am perfectly comfortable. and at the end of the day, i might be alone. but for the fist time in my life i am not lonely, just alone.

Postat av: emma

Du är inte ens ensam, du har ju MIG :) Och om vi någon gång känner oss helt överlämnade åt världen, ja då är vi ju trots allt singlar båda två ;P

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